Thursday, July 29, 2010

As two independent and not so young adults, Sean and I have pretty much all the stuff we need and much much more. Sean has an idea for some "alternative" wedding gifts.

In the spirit of working towards a better world and community Sharon and I have decided that in lieu of gifts that you make a pledge to help us in one of our causes. When an issue comes up we would like a letter to the editor or testimony at a hearing. There will be a time when we will need people to speak out on the environment, peace and justice.

The best gift for us would be a pledge to step up and be heard. To us this will be like political money in the bank. (We only get to spend it once.) We'll have a pledge sheet at the wedding. Of course we will not ask you to support something that you do not truly believe in. As many of you know, in Alaska one person can actually make a difference and often has.

If you are not comfortable with this we always need more crockpots and toaster ovens. Under pressure I registered us at REI for some camping stuff.

Sean and Sharon

P.S. To those of you who don't know Sean this might seem odd. It's not really.

1 comment:

  1. Not too odd!...look forward to seeing Cloudberry and you and Sean again. Truly remarkable work...
